Bhaktapur is one of the historical place of nepal. It is located at 20km east from Bhaktapur. It is also said khwopa in newari language. In Bhaktapur different castes,languages,etc people were living.such as tharu,magar, karki, thapa etc. In Bhaktapur many people do different work. such as carpenter, agriculture, farming, husbandary, bee keeping etc. There are also a many industry in Bhaktapur. such as brick factory, wood factory, shoe factory etc.
So that many people of bhaktapur were a employed. They also a educated and intelegent in any sector. They are also active in politics. So they are very good and intellegent in every sector. There are many historical place in Bhaktapur.Such as Changunarayan, Dattatraya temple, Peacock windows, 55 windows place five state of temple etc. So it is called historical places. So that many foreign people come to vist Bhaktapur to know about the culture.
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